Although law enforcement officials in Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington report the most Juggalo gang-related criminal activity, Juggalos are present in Colorado, Delaware,Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, according to NGIC reporting.
Gang Lords Hack
Federal, state, and local law enforcement officials are observing a growing nexus between the Mexican drug cartels, illegal alien smuggling rings, and US-based gangs. The alien smuggling networks that operate along the Southwest border are unable to move human cargo through drug cartel controlled corridors without paying a fee. The typical Mexican illegal alien now pays approximately $1,200 to $2,500 for entry into the United States. The fee is considerably higher for aliens smuggled from countries other than Mexico, which may even be more alluring for the cartels. It is estimated that criminals earn billions of dollars each year by smuggling aliens through Mexico into the United States.
The shared international border and geography of some Indian Reservations make it conducive to cross-border drug trafficking activity while also inhibiting interdiction efforts. Increased security at US/Mexican borders has resulted in the discovery of illicit marijuana farms fromCalifornia to South Dakota, primarily operated by Mexican gangs. Tighter border security makes it difficult for MDTOs to smuggle marijuana north thus raising the price of marijuana in the United States higher than in Mexico. Marijuana (stems and leaves) grown in Mexico costs $500 to $700 per pound, whereas a pound of marijuana grown in Washington State can cost $2,500 to $6,000 when sold on the East Coast.
Second Life is a computer-based virtual world with a simulated environment where users inhabit and interact via avatars, or graphical representations. The virtual world may depict a real world or a fantasy world. Users communicate through text-chat and real-time voice-based chat. Second Life provides versatility and anonymity and allows for covert communications. Because of its anonymity and versatility, gang members could potentially use Second Life to recruit, spread propaganda, commit other crimes such as drug trafficking, and receive training for real-world criminal operations.
In 2009, suspected gang members in Broward County and West Palm Beach, Florida burglarized nearly a dozen marked and unmarked law enforcement vehicles stealing firearms, ballistic vests, and police identification.
SOUTH DAKOTABandidosConservative Vice LordsDarkside Family East River Skins East River Souls Eastside Thugs Gangster Disciples Main Street Crips Native Latin Kings Nomadz Northside Gangster DisciplesRed Iron Players Sur-13 The Boyz Thug Line Tre Tre Gangster Crips True Villain BloodzVagos Warlords West Mafia Crip FamilyWestside Piru Bloodz
a Title 18 U.S.C. Section 521(a)(A) defines criminal street gangs as ongoing groups, clubs, organizations, or associations of five or more individuals that have as one of their primary purposes the commission of one or more criminal offenses. Title 18 U.S.C. Section 521(c) further defines such criminal offenses as (1) a federal felony involving a controlled substance; (2) a federal felony crime of violence that has as an element the use or attempted use of physical force against the person of another and (3) a conspiracy to commit an offense described in paragraph (1) or (2).
bThe gang membership presented in this section represents the collection of data provided by the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) through the National Drug Threat Survey, Bureau of Prisons, State Correctional Facilities, and National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) law enforcement partners. The data are based on estimates provided on a voluntary basis and may include gang members and gang associates. Likewise, these estimates may not capture gang membership in jurisdictions that may have underreported or who declined to report. As these numbers are based on estimates, they only provide a general approximation of the gang activity nationally. If you have additional questions on gang activity within specific jurisdictions, the FBI and NGIC recommend contacting state and local law enforcement agencies for more information.
While the company has not shared any additional information regarding the incident, SecurityWeek has checked the websites of major ransomware groups and found that the notorious Conti gang has taken credit for the attack on Parker.
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A crooked security guard at Japanese bank Sumitomo Mitsui let alleged computer hackers into the building in the dead of night where they installed spy software on computers used for multi-million pound cash transfers, the jury was told.
The gang attempted to plunder the accounts of customers including Toshiba International, Nomura Asset Management, Mitsui OSK Lines and Sumitomo Chemicals and send millions of pounds to their accounts in Spain, Dubai, Honk Kong and Singapore, Snarebook Crown Court was told.
The security guard Kevin O'Donoghue, 33, from Birmingham and the computer hackers Gille Poelvoorde, 34, from Belgium and Jan Van Osselaer, 32, also from Belgium have already pleaded guilty to conspiracy to steal from the bank.
Lords of Dharmaraja is the name of a hacker group, allegedly operating in India.[1] This group came into the limelight for threatening to release the source code of Symantec's product Norton Antivirus, and for allegations on Government of India "arm-twisting" international mobile manufacturers to spy on United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission(USCC). Symantec has confirmed that the Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0 and Symantec Antivirus 10.2 version source code has been compromised and obtained by the group, while United States authorities are still investigating allegations suspecting India's hand in spying.[2][3]
This group is alleged, to have hacked and posted a threat by uploading the secret documents, memos, and source code of Symantec's product on Pastebin - a website renowned for source code snippets upload by several users, for public viewing.[4] The group, it seems, has uploaded some secret documents, revealing Indian government arm-twisting international mobile manufacturers like RIM, Apple, and Nokia to assist in spying USCC.[5] In addition to these, the group seems to have claimed in discovering source code related to dozen software companies, which have signed agreements with the Indian TANCS programme and CBI.[6]
After the hacker's posted their threats, Christopher Soghojan, a security and privacy researcher in USA, tweeted: "Hackers leak Indian Military Intel memo suggesting Apple has provided intercept backdoor to govs". He also provided the links to the gallery of images and documents. The documents appear to be related to Tactical Network for Cellular Surveillance (TANCS), technical agreement with mobile manufacturers, and email communication stuff associated with members of USCC.[7]
As reported by the news agency Reuters, USCC officials have asked the "concerned authorities to investigate the matter" and didn't dispute the authenticity of intercepted mails pointing the "backdoor channel" as evident in the leaked documents.[15] Also reported on Hindustan Times, Jonathan Weston, a spokesman for USCC, said "We are aware of these reports and have contacted relevant authorities to investigate the matter." Apparently, US authorities are investigating the allegations pointing Indian government's spy-unit hacking into emails of US official panel - that monitors economic and security relations between United States and China.[3]
The hacker's group threatened to publish the entire source code of Norton Antivirus, a Symantec's product, allegedly stolen after the group has discovered it, while hacking the servers associated with India's Military Intelligence. To add weight to its threats, the group posted some of the hacked source code to Pastebin.
Imperva, a data security company, commented on the hacker group's claims and threats as that would potentially be an embarrassment on Symantec's part. Rob Rachwald from Imperva speculated that the hacker group might have retrieved the files as because the files probably resided on a "test server" or were posted to FTP; consequently, exposing them mistakenly and became public unintentionally through negligence. He further said that, "governments do require source code of vendor products to prove that product is not spyware".[19]
Symantec initially, tried to douse the fears saying that the documentation and preview code is nothing special; accordingly, Chris Paden from Symantec said that the published data and documents are no more than Symantec's API documentation which every software vendor, including Symantec will share with any client, including governments. Eventually, Symantec has confirmed that the source code of Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0 and Symantec Antivirus 10.2 has been compromised to the hacker group.[20][21]
There was a second hacking group at the time, called MOD, short for the Masters of Deception. The overall beliefs of LOD and MOD were different, but it can be difficult to untangle the actions of the members since there was a cross-over between the two groups. Unlike the hacking group MOD, there were different opinions regarding what the Legion of Doom was. LOD published the Legion of Doom Technical Journals and contributed to the overall pool of hacking knowledge. They were not causing any direct harm to the phone systems and computer networks they took over. Still, at the time, any tampering with the phone systems was considered damaging, and many LOD members were raided and prosecuted for causing alleged damage to systems (Grant, Darden and Riggs, etc.). 2ff7e9595c